My, my.... Why so fickle with Eric Escobar, Vinnie?

I think Primo is definitely getting a raw deal, but Carlito's work ethic, or lack thereof, is well-known at this point. Back when Primo first debuted, they made it seem like he wanted nothing to do with being known as "Carlito's brother". It's too bad they didn't keep that going... that seemed it would be

Really? hmmm, I'd say 50/50. I mean you can give me all of these clean cut ECW/FCW examples but you must be forgetting about the ''talent'' over at Raw and Smackdown the WWE has destroyed. I.E CM Punk, who've they invested all this time and effort in and now they're demoting him just because of a dress code :wtf: . The Colons, they become Tag Champs and then what? well.. nothing. Chris Masters, they bring him back and do what? let him play with a midget.. Evan Bourne, the next Jamie Noble! and so on..
I think Punk is very safe, just because of the on-screen relationship he's built with Vince. JR even said on his blog that the "dress code" rumor was (paraphrasing) preposterous. Right now, the WWE seems to be doing the top tag teams vs. World Champions angle for Survivor Series. Personally, I think Punk is going to win the Rumble and take on the Undertaker at Wrestlemania for the title. He's just in a holding pattern for right now. They've done it in the past with a bunch of guys. Punk may not have too many supporters backstage, but his two biggest ones are the ones who count the most: Vince and HHH.

I think Primo is definitely getting a raw deal, but Carlito's work ethic, or lack thereof, is well-known at this point. Back when Primo first debuted, they made it seem like he wanted nothing to do with being known as "Carlito's brother". It's too bad they didn't keep that going... that seemed it would be interesting.

Masters... eh, he shouldn't have been brought back to begin with, and it's not like they didn't give him a chance, he showed he was basically the same he was when he had that mini-feud with MVP. He has a ceiling as a lower midcard heel, and I think the WWE realizes that.

Bourne was supposedly being punished due to his marijuana use backstage. Since then, he's worked his way back to the US Title picture, currently in a feud with The Miz and Jack Swagger for the title.

I get that but what I'm getting at is, why put a guy on TV and afterwards ditch him like garbage? , they could've given that roster spot to someone else you know.

I think they wanted to see what he could have done on the main roster, and after four years, it was now or never. Maybe they thought he'd be able to impress enough to take it to that next level and really engage the crowd, especially when he had Vickie to work off of. By letting him get wins over Matt Hardy twice, and R-Truth, they wanted to give him the chance to make it. He showed he couldn't do it.

Personally, I agree with the second part of your statement, they certainly could have given his spot to someone else who would have ran with the ball and engaged the crowd, especially with one of the biggest heels in recent memory on his side.

Yoshi's alright beside the fact that the guy can't speak English and therefore cant cut a promo. I'll bet he'll become some kind of decent midcarder at most.

That's still a respectable outcome for him. It's still more than what has come from Funaki and Jimmy Wang Yang. I think he's really over, and he has the chance to at least hold the ECW Title for a few weeks at some point next year.

Well can you explain to me what he's doing now?

They seem to be making some sort of angle between him and Rosa Mendes, and so far they've had pretty good on-screen chemistry. As long as he keeps getting over and being impressive in the ring, I think he'll be fine.

This is just MEH. Haven't seen much other wrestlers already have shown.

We'll have to see what happens in the weeks to come. For some reason Vince and HHH seem to see something in him... something that Escobar couldn't show. Both guys have basically had equal opportunities, getting wins over experienced midcarders.

Hold on, he hasnt been given a decent opportunity, I mean how can you expect someone to win over wrestling crowds with simply a few appearances. I'm not saying I liked the guy, he was a major MEH. I'm just saying they should have given him more time.

I think they were expecting decent ring work out of him, and for him to engage the crowd. McIntyre may be charismatically challenged, but at least he's been 1 for 2 so far with his in ring work, which should only get better.

Vickie owns but she doesnt have creative control..

Yeah, but he could have heeled it up with her and made the most of what he had: Instant heat. If he went ahead and deep-kissed Vickie after beating Matt Hardy, for example, he would have gotten nuclear heat... especially when she provided the distraction and it was his debut. Sometimes, the wrestlers have to take it upon themselves and improvise to get over

We agree the guy sucks, but we dont agree on this.

Yeah, I mean, the way I look at it is that something has to give with the 4 years in development and the numerous callups to the main roster in the mean time. He had the tools given to him to try to at least build himself up to a midcarder on Smackdown and he wasn't able to capitalize. They'll move onto the next guy.

